Slow - fast - real time?


well-balanced - one-sided - high in toxins!

When comparing pace of fashion to pace of food there is not much of a difference regarding its effects.

Slow = Taking time to plan for healthy components with regional origin and paying for fair wages.

Fast = Don’t have time to prepare for all nutrients needed but hey - it is fast and cheap.

Real time = It’s more one can handle with toxic ingredients and puking included.

Congratulations @Shein for introducing real time fashion aka 60.000 new clothing items per week to the market. This isn’t exactly what we were missing considering the massive pollution of deserts caused by overstocks.

Definition of fast fashion and its superlative

Slow Fashion (e.g. Armed Angels) ideally production by demand, 2-4 seasons per year
Fast Fashion (e.g. Zara): >200 new garments per week, 12-52 micro seasons per year
Ultra Fast Fashion (e.g. Asos): >5000 new pieces per week, 52 micro seasons per year
Realtime Fashion (e.g. Shein): >60000 new pieces per week, xxx micro seasons per year

Real time fashion is seriously suicidal for our planet. Overstocks and cheap quality are problems becoming even more serious. It’s a no-brainer that the higher the speed of consumption and production, the lower the sustainability.

We say buying sustainable fashion is 99% mindset and mindset is 100% decision.

ifelt supports your change 🤍


ifelt is back on(line) and started its offline production - with social impact 🤍


Why we should retire the tag “sustainable”