Black Friday and the 3P’s
People - Planet - Profit
Today is Black Friday. It is definitely an exciting day for the first Christmas shopping, for gathering with friends and family, for commerce and economy. Everyone seems to be satisfied for either having sold or having bought. Usually it is even a real social event - at least in non-pandemic times.
So what’s the problem?
Since I do not like thinking or talking problems but rather solutions I will provide you with a short link to the problem and a long solution story.
Some of us* are privileged to consuming goods made of ending resources from our planet when ever and where ever we feel like it. The outcome is profit, which is a good thing in order to keep our standard of living high and feed our GDP. Planned obsolescence is one economic tool to make consumers buy more products in a shorter period of time. This is helpful for innovation to grow and to create jobs and opportunities.
Now, imagine if all of a sudden the amount of products available on Black Friday is cut down to a minimum since traditional linear business models kept using ending resources without bringing them into a cycle by considering reverse-logistics? Not cool?
Well, then it might be time for you to start making YOUR impact, re-think your buying behaviour and decide for at least one circular designed product for this years Christmas shopping.
Why? Because it’s fun to choose smart, full of uniqueness & innovation and it benefits your future grand children - happy shopping.
Some sustainable products following circular design principles - just to name a few with main focus on slow fashion
united by blue
mud jeans
armed angels
AND definitely have a look at some great in-progress fellow initiatives at circular futures.
*not deep-diving into any social problems associated with consumerism here which should not diminish its need for discussion.