STARRING: Scissors, Stripes and Story-Stitching.

We are currently working 24/7 on the final design of the first ifelt being launched. This includes around 200 m stripes of old fabric stitched together to a story of memories, woodworking and lots of fun in the making. Read the story behind the process.

Born and raised amidst the Alps I have always been a passionate hiker and an early adopter of sustainable products but it didn’t occur to me to bringing my passions or politics to work. I understood quite soon that all those years of education towards achieving professional success were about playing a game - unfortunately anything but my own game. To state Professor Henderson “One does not ‘do’ enthusiasm- or ethics- or emotion– at work. One simply ‘does’ expertise.” However to me nothing weighs up against enthusiasm, ethics and emotion.

So I simply started doing expertise in designing exactly these: Enthusiasm, Ethics and Emotion.
ifelt combines all of the three E’s in one product.

Here is how

You choose the design by providing the colours and textures of your own wardrobe which - most of the time - already is a perfectly tuned collection in itself.

Around 200 metres and around 1.5 kg of your old/outworn/torn fabric is sorted and combined in a way that colours and textures are matching. Together with an eco-certified linen fabric it is going to build your ifelts base: a cozy seat. A wooden frame is looping around to complement the base with a backrest.

Your first ifelt module is going to resemble a Japanese style dining chair. With every new module your ifelt is growing to a standard height chair over the next years.

To find out more about where we are standing in the process read the FAQ’s.


Why we should retire the tag “sustainable”


Black Friday and the 3P’s